My great-great-great grandfather, Col. James McCullough
commanded the 16
th S.C. Volunteer regiment during the Civil War.
While he wouldn’t see major action until 1864 and the battles around Atlanta,
he was involved in at least one minor incident, known as the Engagement at (or
Battle of) Simmon’s Bluff. Here is the official Confederate record of the
June 21 1862. – Engagement at Simmon’s Bluff, S.C.
Report of Capt. L. Parker, C. S. Army, Marion (S.C.)
HDQRS. Second Military Dist. South Carolina,
Adams Run, June 23, 1862.
Maj. J. R. Waddy,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Charleston, S.C.:
Major: Herewith I have the honor to inclose the official
report of Captain Parker, Marion Artillery, of the affair with the gunboats at
Simmons’ Bluff on the 21st instant. Owing to the absence of the
regiment of Colonel McCullough the rifle pits were not complete when the attack
commenced. I am having them arranged and have strengthened the position with
two additional companies. I would here state that I will forward the report of
the engagement on James Island on the 16th instant as soon as I can
collect the reports of the immediate commanders.
respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. Evans,
Simmon’s Bluff, S.C., June 21, 1862
Captain: I have the honor to report that at about 11 a.m.
this day the alarm was given of two gunboats approaching. I was at Colonel
Whaling’s place, on a visit to pickets there stationed, and caused the alarm to
be given also from that point. My guns were in the road and wagons parked
before I could get to camp, nothing having been lost. The boats approached
rapidly – one large three-masted propeller and a side-wheel, probably the
ordered the companies of Captains McJunkin and Barnett into the incomplete pits
in the process of construction for rifleman, directing them if driven form the
pits to fall back and skirmish (if they landed) along the road and in the corn
back of Simmons’ negro settlement. The battery I ordered to the bluff, where I
am erecting batteries for my guns about 800 yards above the point. The road
through the corn was so miry from the recent rains that my guns could not use
them, and I had to take a circuit and approach it from the north. When we
cleared the road we found the large vessels just below the point, the Planter
on the south side of said point. To reach the bluff I would have had my battery
exposed to fire from both ships for 400 or 500 yards, and then would only be
able to reach the large vessel at the range before named, say 800 yards. I
deemed it wiser, as I could inflict no injury, to run no risk.
One of these ships is the Planter. |
The fire
of shot, shell, case shot, and canister was very heavy from both ships. I kept
my men and guns under cover, anticipating a landing. The riflemen kept up a
continuous and steady fire until their position was enfiladed, when they
retreated to the road, straggling far ahead of their officers up it. I halted
them and deployed them to the left of the road, directing a gradual advance,
under cover of woods, hedges, and corn, to the negro settlement. The men were
very much fatigued and I could not get the movement properly executed. A few
men were landed from the Planter, I think, who got as far as the infantry tents
and burned them. My pieces I had withdrawn to the causeway, as both boats,
shelling vigorously, moved up as though to land above our position.
One of
the scouts reported to Major O’Neill that the enemy had landed and were
marching up. My guns were then thrown forward, and I detailed scouts from my
own men, who proceeded to a point between the two camps, under charge of
Lieutenant Lowndes. Two of my pieces were to take positon near the bluff on
left of road, two in our drill ground on the right; Colonel McCullough who had
arrived, to advance under cover of the hedges to the point where my scouts were
with four companies; Major O’Neill, with the other companies, to advance
through the corn – and thus I hoped, had they landed, to attack them in front
and flank. They, however, had not landed any force, and I can only conjecture
that they landed at all. Had the original intention been carried out, and the
riflemen on leaving the pits occupied the road and the corn, I think we might
have been able to bring our guns into play; as it was, I thought my best plan
was to keep prepared for what I expected – a landing. Before we could reach the
boats, however, immediately after burning the tents they turned and went
rapidly off. The buildings at the point were much injured by shell, grape,
cansister, &c., and some very narrow escapes were run.
conduct of the men while in the pits was very good, and they all say that cries
were heard after several shots. The men kept very close on deck. Had rifle pits
been dug all along the banks I believe that the enemy would have suffered very
much; as it was, it was very difficult to rally the men after leaving the pits.
Very little time was given for a proper disposition of the troops. I do not
think that over twenty minutes elapsed between the alarm and the first shot.
Some system of signals is necessary by which we may be notified of the entrance
of a vessel into the river while out of our sight. The lookout on the mast of
the steamer enables her to direct her fire at objects not seen from her hull.
Captains McJunkin’s and Barnett’s companies have both some baggage.
I have
no casualties to report. One shot passed through my commissary room, but our
stores were out of it. Lieut. [James] Salvo, of the Washington Artillery, came
over, offering Capt. [George H.] Walter’s battery, and was of much service to
me. I declined sending for the battery, as under the circumstances I did not
think it could be advantageously used.
your obedient servant,
L. Parker
Marion Artillery, Commanding Post.
Capt. A. L. Evans, C. S. Army
Adjutant-General, &c., Adams Run.
An official Union account also exists, which agrees with
most of the particulars – though it notes that no casualties were taken, and
that resistance was light. It is through that account that the ‘three-masted
propeller’ is identified as the U.S.S.
The Union had been hoping to cut the rail line into
Charleston, but abandoned the attempt after burning the confederate encampment
for reasons unstated.