For those who are not up-to-date on their Doctor Who, The
War Doctor was the incarnation of the Doctor, between the eighth and ninth, that fought in the Time War. He isn’t counted in the traditional sequence of ‘The
Doctor’, because...we’ll, you would have to watch the show for it to really
make sense (and even then, not everyone agrees that it does).
As for Engines of
War, I have to admit, I was a little bit disappointed. Although the writing
was fine, the overall plot just isn’t that interesting. Considering the imaginative possibilities of
a ‘Time War’, the back and forth between the Daleks and Time Lords in the book is pretty conventional.
Actually, this is an argument my sister made against the one depiction of the
Time War in the television series, so I suppose the book is just following true
to form. Still, I was hoping for more.
The flat plot is made more noticeable by the somewhat flat
character of The War Doctor himself. In the author’s defence, he doesn’t have a
lot to work with, trying to write a novel about a character that only appeared
in one episode. However, instead of presenting what should be a unique Doctor,
we actually get a Doctor that is depressingly generic. Except for a bit of
facial hair, anger and world (universe?) weariness, there is nothing to set
this Doctor apart from his better-defined incarnations.
Thinking about it further, this book suffers a
good bit from the ‘Problem of Prequels’ which I ranted about in an earlierblog. Since the book is set before the episode in which The War Doctor appears,
the reader knows more or less where the story has to end up. This also makes
the one, possibly emotional, element of the story rather predicable.
This is probably somewhat harsher criticism than the book
deserves. It is, after all, a book based on a television show that has to work
within strict guidelines. It is well-written, and it’s not a terrible
adventure. It is also probably aimed at readers somewhat younger than myself, and perhaps
many of them have found the book thoroughly enjoyable.
I was hoping for more.
As for the pledge this month, that’s one book bought,
one book read.
So you are keeping to the pledge then? I haven't read the book also speaking as a life long Dr. fan I must say that I've found the most recent episode plots a little flat consider what they could have been.