I also put together two of my light infantry. These guys come straight from the Wargames Factory Numidian's box. You can see the detail is pretty light on these guys. Still, once they are painted up and have shields, I think they'll look good enough.
Next time, I hope to have my first centaur construction to show off.
Over the years, I have found, that if I'm going to keep my enthusiasm for a large miniatures project such as this one, it is necessary for me to be reading or watching something related. So, while I go about assembling the army, I'll also be commenting on Greek Myth from other media that is keeping me entertained and inspired. To start, I am reading the Odyssey.
I first read the Odyssey about twenty years ago in college (in my much beloved The Heroic Journey: Homer to Hobbits class). I believe I have read it once since then, but I can't be certain. Anyway, I've had the Oxford World's Classic edition, translated by Walter Shewring, sitting on my shelf for awhile. As I have assembled my first three figures, I have also read the first three 'books' of the Odyssey. It's a good, entertaining translation, and I'm quickly getting into it.
I had forgotten that the story doesn't start with Odysseus, in fact, we haven't seen him yet. Instead, we follow his son as he goes off seeking news of his father. He is guided on his journey by the goddess Athena in the guise of an old friend of Odysseus named Mentor. I suppose this is where the word 'mentor' probably originates.
That's a crackingly good Hero you've pieced together Joe. looking forward to seeing how he turns out once painted and sporting a fine looking shield. I must confes the detail of his sculpting, despite coming from several manufacturers, still puts those Numidians to shame. Hopefully though once painted etc their soft sculpting won;t appear so obvious. Strong start to a project I'm really looking forward too :-)