Thursday 29 February 2024

Public Lending Right

In the United Kingdom, authors are paid a small amount whenever their books are checked out of the library, so long as you register your books in advance. The actual rate per loan is set every year. This year it was £0.1369, but that amount is shared between all authors and illustrators that are listed on the cover. For major authors, this probably represents a nice little income stream. For someone at my level, it’s pocket change. I just got my statement for the past year and thought I would share the highlights!

The Story of Santa Claus: £1.37
Peter Dennis with the Cover Art!

My biggest earner every year!

Dragonslayers: £0.41

Probably still my proudest, published work.

Zombies: A Hunter’s Guide: £0.41

Zombies might not be the hot stuff they once were, but they are clearly still of interest.

Steampunk Soldiers: £0.27

I told my co-author he should register. He’s missing out!

Frostgrave: Into the Breeding Pits: £0.41

Frostgrave: The Maze of Malcor: £0.41

Wait… what? That’s never happened before. What library is loaning out Frostgrave books? (Answer – the BEST LIBRARY EVER!). Seriously though, I gave up registering my gaming books because it seemed pointless. Looks like I might be short-changing myself!

Possibly my favourite of the Frostgrave covers by the Burmaks!


  1. Treat yourself to a richly deserved pint with this largesse.

  2. Dang, must find my library card! I borrowed loads of RPG & gaming books from the library when I was a teenager, must restart that :)

  3. That is so cool 😎

  4. This is very cool. But where IS the BEST LIBRARY EVER? We need to know!

    1. There are rumours that it's in Cornwall...

  5. I remember going to the big city when in late elementary school to look at a bunch of gaming books in the library. Unfortunately they had a high 'loss rate' that were never returned. Who could possibly explain why, let alone predict this mystery!

  6. I actually work for the software company that programs the calculater for those Lending Rights in Germany. Really funny to read about it from the recieving end. :D

    1. Maybe we should get you over here. The British system is apparently still reeling from a cyberattack last year.

  7. Wow! It must be a wonderful feeling to sit back, put your feet up and just watch the cash rolling in.

  8. I just wanted to comment that the cover for "The Maze of Malcor" is amazing.

  9. I never knew that. It's pretty cool.

  10. Sounds like you would benefit from more copies in circulation across the library network. Increase the odds a bit.
