Many months have passed since Denethor tasked his nephew
Breged with the recovery of the ancient necklace known as The Nauglamír. Since
then, the shipwrights of Dol Amroth have been labouring away, building a ship
tough enough to carry a determined group of adventures across the sea and back.
They are nearly finished.

A few weeks ago, I received the body of the Glaurung in
the form of a resin Viking ship from Gripping Beast. Since then, I have been
doing a bit of painting and simple construction to try and make the ship look
more like the Angus McBride ship on the cover of the Merp book Thieves of Tharbad. (See In TheShipyards of Dol Amroth).
I started work by constructing the little cloth tent on
the back of the ship. This is a non-permanent fixture that can be taken down
if the ship enters combat. Most of the time, it will serve the double purpose
of protecting the perishable supplies from the elements and giving Valetha, the
sole female member of the crew, a small bit of privacy. The tent is made out
of bits of card, measured to fit within the ship. I then covered the card with a paper towel soaked in a mixture of water and white glue, to
try and give it the appearance of fabric. I painted it blue to give the ship a
nice splash of colour and because it is the colour of Dol Amroth. It still seemed a bit plain, so I painted the
White Tree of Gondor on either side. I’m pretty proud of this. I don’t consider
myself much of a free-hand painter, but I think the trees came out rather nice.

Originally, I had attended to leave the ship without a
mast, as I thought it might interfere with play. However, the ship looked a bit
naked without it, so I changed my mind. Using the Angus McBride ship as a
guide, I built a simple mast and sail. The mast and crossbeam are doweling
bought at an art store. The height of the mast was measured so that the ship
would fit into the shelf where I plan to keep it. I attached the crossbeam by
drilling a whole in both it and the mast and using a bit of paperclip to pin
them together for a stronger bond when glued.
I spent a good deal of time wondering what to do with the
top of the mast, as I wanted something to which I could connect rigging. In the
end, I found a metal axe in my miniature bits that had a round blade with two
holes in it. I think it is some kind of ancient design, but I can’t remember. I
cut off the handle, filed down the back and glued it to the top of the mast
with the blade sticking up and the two holes underneath.

So, there she is, The Glaurung. I have been toying with the idea of
adding a flag or banner streaming off the mast, but I might not.
The ship proved extremely difficult to photograph. It’s
just a little too large and awkward to get a good shot of the whole thing
without including lots of household furniture. I took a lot of shots, but
probably the best one for seeing the whole ship is the one of it sitting on the
shelf. (Yes, my very understanding wife agreed to let me keep it on the
bookshelf in the living room).
I actually thought making the ship would be a pain. It
was not. Starting with the great base from Gripping Beast, I only had to add a
few simple additions, and I think I’ve got a great looking Glaurung. Now I just
need to finish assembling the crew and get ready to sail.

If your still in the market for some other ships, here is some I found.
That being said, The Glaurung looks great!
Fantastic looking ship. Great job.
ReplyDeleteAh, but the symbol of Dol Amroth is the swan... :)
ReplyDeleteVery nice longship; the tent is a cool addition.
ReplyDeleteThe ship is being built in Dol Amroth, but it is under the command of a Knight of Minas Tirith and sailing in the name of Gondor, thus I figured the tree was more appropriate than the swan. Though, yes, I went with Dol Amroth blue for the tent.
ReplyDeleteTop banana chief, very characterful. And I like that you've given a back story to it!