Since J.R.R. Tolkien based the Rohirrim on various dark
age Germanic tribes, it is not surprising that so far I have had great success
using Musketeer Miniatures line of Goth figures as the basis for my own
warriors of Rohan. For the cavalry and foot soldiers, I have found I can achieve
terrific results with just a paint job; however, when it came to archers, I
needed to put in a bit more work. The biggest problem with the Goth archers is
their hair. They are all clean shaven and sport bob-style haircuts, neither of
which worked for me. So, grabbing a couple to experiment upon, I went at them
with the green stuff.
The first order of business was more hair. I increased
the length of the hair of both figures, so that it was just beyond shoulder
length. I then added beards. After the fact, I think I probably went a bit
overboard on the beards, especially on the figure on the right, but I decided
to see how it looked after I painted him up. Hair, it turns out, is probably
the easiest item I have ever tried to sculpt. It’s very easy to make it look
good just by drawing lines through the greenstuff.
It’s much harder to do beards and not have your figures end up looking
like wolfmen. Again, I think I did a better job on the figure on the left than
the one on the right.

The other issue I had with the Goth figures is that they
are all completely unarmoured. While historically that’s probably correct, it
didn’t fit with my vision of Tolkien’s fantasy world. I figured at least some
of them should be wearing leather, so I attempted to sculpt a leather breast
plate on one figure. While I did a decent job laying down the base of this, I
don’t think I did so well working in the detail. Next time I try this, I’ll see
if I can find an online tutorial first. Still, I’m hoping it will look okay
once painted.
Finally, I had a bit of greenstuff left over, so I used
it to add a bit of fur trim around the bottom of the tunic of the other archer. This
is just for a bit of visual interest as otherwise the figure is pretty plain.
At the time of writing this blog, I’m almost finished
painting these guys, so hopefully, I’ll have an update on them soon!
the Leather jack looks just fine to me.