Thursday 4 March 2021

Assembling the Bibliography


It has been a busy few years for Joe the writer. The above picture contains all of the published books I have written since I first wrote Frostgrave back in 2014. In truth, I have probably pushed it a little too hard, and hope to slow down (at least a little) over the next few years.

What is not included in the photo is all of the magazine articles I have written, or the non-gaming books, or the short stories, etc.  In fact, I recently realized I was in danger of completely loosing track of what I had written. So, I set out to create a new bibliography. You can find it here on the blog (or via the link at the top). It's actually not quite complete. I know there are some magazine articles I'm missing, but I'm not sure where to find them. If any readers happen to know of any, please let me know.

Now if I can just remember to updated when I do something new...


  1. Its very impressive, You can be proud of Your work! And I dont mean the mass of books, or the quantity of text, but the amount of fun, You brought with them. Thank You again for it!

  2. can we get a hint about what's in bane of kings?

    1. Lots of 'Kingdom Events' to better tell the history of your kingdom, some special formations for your units, and chariots for all!

    2. ooooooooh sounds very intresting

    3. Currently looking for dwarf chariot pictures for building inspiration...

    4. north star can't keep up with all these new units they need to speed up

  3. WOW! That's an impressive stack for 6 years of work. As a professional writer myself, I feel like it'd be more representative of the amount of the amount of work and love that goes into each of those publications if you stacked them on top of each other end-to-end! I can understand wanting to slow down, but as a fan I have to be true to myself and say PLEASE DON'T! :-)

  4. Good work, Joe. If you are thinking of slowing down, do keep notes...

  5. Awesome! Maybe I should do a bibliography of Joseph A. McCullough books I've bought :D

    1. Oh, plus there is "Operation: Last Train" which still has a healthy following.

    2. Oh my, I hadn't clicked on the blog link and was just being blow away by the stack of books :) The full is pretty darn gobsmacking. I guess it is true, "If you want to be a writer, write."

    3. At the end of the day, writer is a state of action, not a state of being.

  6. We transformed our game of zombicide into a modern Rangers campaign and your Hunter's Guide was invaluable.
