few months after his death, I saw my cousin (once-removed) Lucy, and shave gave
me the little painting seen here. She said she took it from the wall of David
Walker’s house after everything else had been removed. Likely, no one in the
family wanted the responsibility of what to do with this obviously old, but
slightly…(actually, I’m not sure of the word I’m looking for here) piece of
history. Lucy said she felt bad that it had been abandoned, and knowing my
interested in the Civil War she took it for me.
those who aren’t in the know about such things, the centre flag was the first
official flag of the Confederacy. However, because of its similarities to the US
Flag, it was soon replaced by the Confederate Battle Flag (the flag on the right)
for military operations. The flag on the left is the third and final ‘official
flag of the Confederacy’, and was only used for a few months before the
Confederacy’s collapse.
it’s nicely painted in most places, it has been somewhat crudely ‘cleaned’ with
white paint in some spots.
Lucy gave it to me, it was in a frame, and on the back was a little sticker that
N. Sevent St.
feel safe in assuming this is the company that framed it. I suppose, if I was
really interested, I could get a sense of when it was framed by figuring out
when Richmond would have used 4 digit phone numbers, but I’m not sure what this
would really tell me about the piece.
fear it will remain a mystery. At a guess, I would say the painting was done
by one of the wives or children of one of the Stewart brothers (At least 3 of
whom fought for the Confederacy). I think it is old enough to date back to the war.
More to the point, the further one gets in time from the war, the less likely
it seems that anyone would paint such a piece.
now I am left with the question of what to do with it. I admit it, while I
would feel no particular shame in hanging this on my wall (especially in a
country where it would have little recognition or meaning) I feel no compulsion to do so. In
fact, I’ve already got a photo of another of my Confederate ancestors on the
wall – that’s probably enough for one war.
I think the work you want is "complicated." I would guess this might be from the 1960's but I'm a long way form being an expert. My guess is based on the enthusiams the 100th aniversery created. I don't think anyone would have done the three flags together durrin the war. A quick search shows 4 digigit phone numbers were used in the US until the 1960s (for what thats worth). Interseting piece.
ReplyDeleteYou maybe right. A paper expert could probably give a better guess. And yes - 'complicated'.
ReplyDeleteJoe. Its a piece of history, I say keep it, ok its heritage and the iconic symbols are now viewed with a dim light so to speak. But it is a bit of your past, from your family.
ReplyDeleteThat's really interesting. Thanks for shearing it. Complicated history is the best.
ReplyDeleteWhen you got it, it was framed. That frame has gone the way of the dodo, but there would be something, erm, contiguous, about getting it re-framed with a matching replacement - if you can find one.
ReplyDeleteIt becomes not so much about what it represents (although that could never be taken away, etc) but about the picture/frame as an object in and of itself.
Sorry if this sounds like pretentious bollocks, but you asked.
Indeed, I did. Thanks for the thoughts!
DeleteFrame it. Hang it. Its a part of history with relevance/significance to you and yours. That there are those who would seek to shame you for it, is all the reason and justification you need to do so.
ReplyDeleteWho controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell
Don't let others control your past.