Wednesday 20 January 2021

Tox Trooper Scouts and Psyker


I have been powering on my Tox Troopers. Here is my first 'fire team' along with a Psyker. I really started this project just to have some bad guys to use for Stargrave, but I have been having so much fun painting these figures that I am planning to expand it to a full 'Lost and the Damned' army. I've got all of the figures in the Tox Trooper collection and am planning to add a few things from other places down the line.

I apologize for the lower quality photo. With homeschooling continuing in the dinning room, I don't have access to my normal photo set-up, so I'm having to make do with what I can do quickly in my office. 

Here's a photo I took of some of them with the old set-up.


  1. these are nice - the EMC may get a wee surpirese when they awake from their christmas slumber, good for them, and thanks for identifying them to us.

  2. Awesome stuff Joe thanks for sharing.

  3. I love those model, i just need an excuse to buy like 40 of them.

  4. Brilliant thanks for sharing 👍great figure's great brush work

  5. Been thinking of getting them for a while for Stargrave. Looks awesome!
